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Gallows is this year's robot! It can successfully: 

-Do a pull-up (80)

-All clear signal(20)

-Dump the people into the bucket(20)

-Release two zip lines (20 points each)

-Debris in a Mountain Low-Zone and Mid-zone (10 points each)

Our Design Process

We also wanted a hook for the end game, so we created one all out of Tetrix pieces.So, this was the prototype for the hook.So, with these ideas in mind, our first prototype was created.

Later on, we added on things such as a water bottle with a servo to dump in the climbers into the bucket, a zip line trigger, and an all clear signal arm. 

Suddenly, we went to the State Championship, so we tried to create a debris collector that was a tube that had wheels on the sides to collect the blocks. Sadly, this did not work, but the concept was good. Even though this collector did not work, we decided to make a better one. 

The arm was drastically lengthened because of the slides and now could reach more than twice the length it could beforehand! Motors were also added because it fastens the process of stretching out the arm. We were able to substitute the tetrix piece hook with a string with a metal hook attached to it, a servo, and Velcro. 

Afterwards, with hard work and good work ethic, we now have a different debris collector. We did lots of modifications and created a whole new system using tubes and a Plexiglas. 

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